Thursday, February 24, 2011

Dear Wisconsin Republicans

Dear Wisconsin Republicans,

What are the chances that you could visit the wizard this weekend and ask for a couple dozen hearts? Even split between the lot of you, I’m sure they could improve the chances of your being able to pass as human. Then again, maybe the health and retirement security of your public servants will never be important to you. Nonetheless, surely, SURELY, the same people who would never stand for big businesses to be censored or limited in any way can understand that to include provisions in your jewel of a governor’s bill that would silence your state’s workers is unjust. Oh, wait, I forgot. Corporations consider unions to be their arch nemesis under the glory banner we call capitalism. And what is more American than to squelch the needs and rights of a vulnerable demographic in favor of a few rich bastards? Especially when those rich bastards have you in their pockets. I guess you’re just doing your patriotic duty.

Without a shred of affection,

Jessica Stovall

PS: Rush Limbaugh, you just outstripped Glenn Beck as the fool of the week. Trying to claim that the civil servants of Wisconsin are greedy? When you just benefited from the extension of a tax cut for the nation’s wealthiest two percent? I know your horse is high and your waist is too wide to make walking comfortable, but maybe you should get off it. You can get back on when I find a teacher who is compensated fairly.

PPS: Fox News Correspondents—though I really cannot see how you earned that title—REPUBLICANS HAVE CONTROL OF THE HOUSE. Stop using incendiary propaganda to make conservative Americans seems like victims.

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